Recruitment Process

Application Stage

The first stage of the Recruitment process for HMPS will be to make an application on the CMG Forums here. All applicants must be 15+ years of age unless spoken to by Headquarters, and you should have a roleplay-based mindset as we encourage a good standard of roleplay in HMPS. Before creating an application make sure you meet the requirements here.

 Once you have submitted your application, it will then be reviewed within 7 days by a member of Headquarters or Head of Recruitment. You must answer the questions correctly and be truthful with your answers. 

Depending on the standard of your application, you will be informed with an Accepted or Denied message. You will then be asked to follow a few steps in order to take your interview in the CMG TeamSpeak. 

Interview Stage

Once you make it to this stage then huge congratulations to you! You will be invited to TeamSpeak through your ticket to undergo an interview where you will be asked a variety of different questions regarding HMPS procedures as well server rules.

At the beginning of your interview, you will be asked to read the e-Library if you haven’t already. You should answer all questions to the best of your ability and with your own knowledge. If you do not know a question then don’t hesitate to take another read of the e-Library, your interviewer will give you enough time to answer each question. The HMP e-Library covers everything that you need to know, so you must read this to be able to pass your interview. 

Each answer is written down and will be marked on a scale of zero to five to determine your knowledge. At the end of the interview, you will be moved to a separate channel whilst your interviewer calculates your score. If you reach the pass mark you will then be told the next steps to the recruitment process.

However, if you fail your interview then don’t worry! You will be given a couple of chances to prove that you are worthy of joining. Your interviewer will also go over your incorrect answers to make sure you understand for next time. The first cooldown is 2 hours, the second cooldown is 24 hours, the third cooldown is 48 hours, if you fail all three you will be asked to speak to a member of HMP HQ to decide whether or not you should make a new application. 

Basic Training

Once you have completed your interview you are now onto the last stage of your Trainee process; basic training. In your basic training, you will be given a tour around the Prison, you will do some scenarios, and also go over all basic rules and commands in HMPS. If you don’t understand a certain section of the training the trainer may take more time to go over things with you in-depth.

Finally, once you have completed the training you will do a Final Exam test after you have done 5 hours as a Trainee Prison Officer which you will need to pass in order to become a Prison Officer. Once you have been given your results you will either pass or fail. If you fail you can redo the test in 2 hours until you pass. If you pass then congratulations you are now a member of the Prison Service!

Bullying - Zero-Tolerance Policy

This community takes bullying and the act of bullying very seriously. Remember, there is a fine line between having 'banter' with someone and bullying. Always make sure you know where the line is. The community members and management are expected to have a zero-tolerance policy on bullying and therefore anyone who breaks this expectation will be removed and dealt with accordingly. Further action may be taken by the CMG Staff Team at their discretion.

CMG  2021-2023 HMPS Command All rights reserved. Copyright  2021-2024 HMPS Command.