Negotiation Handbook

How to take Negotiations

If you see a hostage situation (within the prison gates/parking lot), and you are the first to the scene you would say something related to: “Greetings, my name is (your name) and my rank in HMPS is (your rank and badge number). The time is (current time) and I will be taking over basic negotiations. What are your demands for this person's life?”. That statement should be used most of the time. You may change it slightly to make it easier to remember, that's up to you. 

If the victim hasn’t already used panic, you may use it to let the Met PD division know. “/panic” in chat to do so. Do not spam it.

Unless you are in constant danger, you should holster your gun.

The criminal should begin stating their demands for the victim’s life. Depending on what they want, you may deny or accept their demands.

You can decide this with the rules stated later in the handbook.

If the hostage situation is not within the prison turf, it has to be dealt with by PD. It has nothing to do with HMPS.

Once negotiations have been finalized and you have agreed with the criminal of their demands you would say something related to: “Okay, the time is (current exact time), and negotiations have now been finalized.” If the PD has granted free passage to a vehicle, you may NOT begin to shoot at their vehicle or chase them. Go back into the prison and carry on your work.

Calling off Negotiations

If the criminal does not comply with your decisions or does something to threaten the hostage’s life, you may call off negotiations. To do so you would say something related to the following: “The current time is (current time) and negotiations have now been called off”. After this, you may unholster your gun.  PD should take it from here. 90% of the time if you call off negotiations they will begin to fire their weapon if they have one, so from there you may shoot back. PD will also begin firing if they do so. If they comply with you whilst calling off negotiations, cuff them and then hand the situation over to the Met PD for them to process and jail the criminal.

Basic Rules

Taking negotiations comes with certain rules.

Here are the most important:

1: you may not let the criminal into either the control center or the armory.

2: if you are the hostage, you may not leave the prison grounds.

3: once the criminal has got into their car, and their free passage has ended you may not chase them. Leave it for the PD.

4: You may remove up to half of na inmates time, Try to negotiate it down. Once the situation has ended you may not add it back.

What is allowed in Negotiations?

When taking negotiations there are certain things you may allow, and some you must deny. It all depends on what they request.

You may allow things such as:

Free passage to an area of the prison.

Reduced time for themselves or a prisoner that they request.

Not all things are listed, because most are just common sense. It is up to you to accept/deny.

You may NOT allow:

Not everything is listed using general knowledge.