HMP Sentencing Guidelines

When sentencing a prisoner or member of the public the prison officer will say “By the powers given to me under Section 8 of the Prison Act 1952, you are under arrest for….”

An example for when someone has broken into the prison, "By the powers given to me under Section 8 of the Prison Act 1952, you are under arrest for trespassing in a restricted area which is under The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, you will be receiving 5 months in prison."

The detainee does not have a right to a solicitor however, if you want to allow them one you can. We like to spontaneous nice roleplay taking place around HMP.

In the event of a serious incident such as Murder or Manslaughter please involve the MPD as a higher sentence should be given. HMP only gives the minimum sentences that MPD can give.

Breaking into prison to disrupt the working of the prison.

Section 1, of the Prison Security Act 1992 

Someone breaks into the prison and engage in conduct which is intended to further a common purpose of overthrowing lawful authority in that prison.

If Civilian: 40 Months in Prison

If Prisoner: 10 Extra Months in Prison

Possessing, Dealing or exporting drugs within the prison or prison grounds.

Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 

Produce, supply, offer to supply, possess with intent to supply, import, or export psychoactive substances, and possess a psychoactive substance in a custodial institution.

If Civilian: 15 Months in Prison

If Prisoner: 10 Extra Months in Prison

Any bladed or melee weapon within the prison without permission.

Section 78, of the Serious Crime Act 2015 

Possess any article which has a blade or is sharply pointed, or other offensive weapon, in prison without authorisation.

If Civilian: 15 Months in Prison

If Prisoner: 10 Extra Months in Prison

Attempting to break someone out of prison/reduce time.

Section 39, of the Prison Act 1952  

Intending to facilitate the escape of a prisoner.

If Civilian: 20 Months in Prison

If Prisoner: 10 Extra Months in Prison

On prison grounds without permission (past the gates/fences)

Section 69, Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994

On prison property without authorisation.

If Civilian: 5/15 Months in Prison

Assault of a prison officer/worker

Section 1, Assaults on Emergency Workers Act 2018

Assaulting an emergency worker whilst they are carrying out their lawful duties..

If Civilian: 25 Months in Prison

If Prisoner: 10 Months extra

Possession of Firearm in prison grounds

Section 5, Firearms Act 1968  

Having a firearm on your person within the prison grounds.

If Civilian: 20 Months in Prison

If Prisoner: 10 Extra Months in Prison

Damage to Prison Property

Section 1, Criminal Damage Act 1971

Intentionally damages or destroys government owned property without permission or as a result of them being reckless it results in damage being caused.

If Civilian: 15 Months in Prison

If Prisoner: 5 Extra Months in Prison

Sexual Assault

Section 3, Sexual Offences Act 2003

Touching someone without consent in such a way that person being touched perceives it to be sexual.

If Civilian: 10 Months in Prison

If Prisoner: 5 Months extra

Causing Harassment, Alarm or Distress

Section 5, Public Order Act 1986

Using threatening or abusive language within the hearing of a person likely to harassed, alarmed or distressed by it.

If Civilian: 5 Months in Prison

If Prisoner: 5 Extra Months in Prison


Section 1, Bribery Act 2010

Offering a financial reward or other reward to another person to try and gain an advantage for themselves.

If Civilian: 5 Months in Prison

If Prisoner: 5 Extra Months in Prison

Common Assault 

Section 39, Criminal Justice Act 1988

Making physical contact with someone without causing injury or making someone fear that unlawful physical violence will be used against them.

If Civilian: 5 Months in Prison

If Prisoner: 5 Extra Months in Prison

False imprisonment

Common Law

Holding someone against their will in a public or private place.

If Civilian: 15 Months in Prison

If Prisoner: 10 Months extra in Prison